I AM SO EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE that Daisy Birthing is now at The Wellbeing Tree in Bromsgrove family
BOOK HERE https://thedaisyfoundation.com/helen-parsons/product/daisy-birthing/

The beautiful studio at The Wellbeing Tree
This gorgeous venue in the heart of Bromsgrove is a holistic health centre and provides a wonderful, relaxing backdrop for your antenatal active birthing classes. Enjoy a coffee with your Blossom Mama friends before or after classes.
Take a tour around our new venue
BOOK HERE https://thedaisyfoundation.com/helen-parsons/product/daisy-birthing/
Daisy Birthing is a unique pregnancy class helps you to learn your antenatal education and active birth techniques in a truly effective way – anchored to your breath, your body and your movement – exactly where you will need it on your baby’s birthing day. Bringing Daisy to the Wellbeing Tree, just makes them extra special.
This 90-minute movement, relaxation and birth prep pregnancy class includes:
– Gentle movement and release to align your body and baby for a smoother birth
– Breathing techniques for all stages of birth, and all types of birth
– Deep relaxation and visualisations
– Practical information delivered in a positive way
– Unconditional support for your choices
Build muscle memory so that it all becomes second nature and you won’t have to think about it when the time comes…
This is a 6 week course on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm
Call/text/whatapp Helen on 07920 514903 or book online
Spaces are very limited due to Covid measures so book now to avoid disappointment.
If you are looking for a class to prepare for the birth of your baby I do hope you decide to join me.
#thewellbeingtree#daisybirthing#bromsgrovemumstobe#bromsgroveyogamumstobe#newclass#bromsgrove#outout#howtostartlabourfacts #howtostartlabourmyths #relaxedactivebirth #birthprep #blossombaby #yourbirthyourbabyyourbody #confidentbirth #calmbirth #birthbreathing #pregnantinapandemic #antenatalyoga#hypnobirthing#lovedaisy#pregnancy#2021baby #relaxedactivebirth