Or perhaps you had a traumatic event during your pregnancy or during the postnatal period, including related to breastfeeding?
Or perhaps you have experienced fertility issues, which have left you with negative emotions that affect you every day?
I can help you feel calmer by helping to lift the emotions associated with those memories and help you move forward positively with your life. I can also help you make the decisions you need, create a plan to move forward with your life including coaching you through any future career choices or decisions about growing your family. This may also include clearing previous trauma or helping you move forward after loss.
Around one in three women or their partners describe their birthing experience as traumatic. 4% of parents go on to develop post traumatic stress symptoms after the birth of their baby
“Helen is so warm and welcoming, she put me at complete ease and was so calming throughout the sessions too. I knew I could talk confidently to Helen.”

If you’re experiencing any of these feelings it may be related to an event surrounding your pregnancy, birth or postnatal period:
- Increased levels of anxiety
- Hyper vigilance
- Finding it hard to bond with your baby
- Relationship problems with your partner, friends or family
- Finding it hard to cope on a day-to-day basis
- Low mood
- Flashbacks
- Numbness
- Wanting to avoid talking about the birth
- Feeling disassociated from what happened to you
- Sleep difficulties
- Restlessness
- Hopelessness
- Scared to have another baby
- Avoiding intimacy with your partner
“If I were to have another baby in the future, I wanted to have a confident and positive birth next time.”
I am a trained EFT therapist accredited by EFT International and trained by EFT Founding Master Tania A Prince. EFT is a fast and effective therapy for working on anxiety, stress, depression and trauma as well as clearing negative and limiting beliefs to help you move forward with your life. I am also a TBR practitioner (Traumatic Birth Recovery) trained with the TBR College of Perinatal Emotional Health. I am also trained by Dr Kate Beaven-Marks in Hypno-EMDR techniques. I can apply these very effective tools when working with clients.
“I was able to look back on the traumatic memories that used to really bother me without bothering me much, if at all. “
Listening and birth debrief service: I also offer a listening and debrief service to help you understand better the feelings about your birth experience, explore with you how they are affecting your every day life and work towards resolving them so you can move forward positively with your life. This may also include planning for your next birth such as creating a trauma-informed birth plan or helping you approach your care provider.
“My goal at the start was to be able to talk about birth and my experience without it negatively affecting me and for my memory of the birth not to bother me in a negative way.”
I work exclusively online using MS Teams at times to fit in with your life, meaning you can access the support and help you need from the comfort of your own home at a time convenient to you.
I offer a no obligation initial chat on the phone to see how I might be able to help before we agree a plan of support for you.
“One of the best parts to come out of the sessions was that Helen helped me remember positive memories about my birth that beforehand I could not recall at all, and these happy memories now obscure the not-so-nice ones.”
Price for Traumatic Birth Recovery services:
Listening service £35*
Perinatal trauma therapy and support starts from £575 includes 8 x 90 minute sessions.
I can also work with couples. Pricing available on request.
*The listening service fee is deducted if further services are accessed so you don’t pay again if you wish to work further on your feelings in relation to your birth experience.
“I cannot thank Helen enough for this new positive outlook and without a doubt I highly recommend Helen for traumatic birth recovery therapy.”
Here’s a video I did live on Facebook in 2020 during the first coronavirus lockdown during National Maternal Mental Health Awareness week – if you have recently had a baby or have a friend or loved one who has had a baby recently this is definitely worth a watch. Grab a cuppa – it’s about 12 minutes. This is just as valid now.